Aerogen is the world leader in acute care aerosol drug delivery, having treated 12 million patients in 75 countries through its pioneering aerosol technology. A recipient of several international accolades, including the American Association of Respiratory Care Zenith Award for the last six years, Aerogen has grown an average of 30% annually ever since it launched its first product in 2007.
Working with large Japanese ventilator makers since 2010, Aerogen has seen its earnings from Japan grow fourfold. It expects revenue there to reach at least €10 million by the end of 2025. To further strengthen its presence in the country, the company has begun hiring local employees.
“Aerogen has been steadily building its presence and reputation in Japan over several years and now we feel the time is right to accelerate our investment in the market. Aerogen is already recognized as the market leader in aerosol drug delivery within the hospital environment both in the USA and Europe and we see Japan as our next biggest market opportunity," founder and CEO John Power said.
"We have been very strategic about our business in Japan, building our reputation by providing excellent patient care and customer and clinical support. We are in Japan for the long term and now have our own local Aerogen management team working alongside our partners and distributors," Power added.
Leading hospitals around the world use Aerogen to deliver aerosolized medication to critically ill ventilated COVID-19 patients. Its closed-circuit nebulizer technology mitigates the transmission of patient-generated infectious aerosol during ventilation.
Aerogen is also playing a key role in the development of more than 15 potential therapies for COVID-19.