Auburn in Alabama has remained steadfast in its commitment to become an attractive and safe city, an environmentally conscious community, and one that is not just progressive, but also hospitable and responsive to the needs of everyone, locals and visitors alike.
Over the past few years, city officials and civic leaders have worked to make neighborhoods safer, increased access to education, especially for its youth, and create new economic opportunities for all its working residents.
Auburn has drawn in new business domestically and outside the United States. In fact, half the industries within the city are headquartered abroad. They have been successful at recruiting international businesses and the biggest draws for these institutions are its proximity to the Atlanta airport and the excellent public school system.
Arndt Siepmann, the deputy director of the city’s economic development department, credits his success the excellent hands-on support from their staff, which in turn, helps these companies ramp up and be successful. He noted that, Auburn is “a very fast-growing university town in a good location.” Because of that, companies will not encounter any difficulties recruiting and hiring highly skilled manpower.
To attract more business to the city, Auburn plans to strengthen its relationships with existing investors, believing that a good reputation and word of mouth are the most effective ways to publicize the assets and advantages of the city.
Down the road, when all of the city’s projects and initiatives have been completed and start paying off, other new business and investors from around the world will start heading to Auburn. Watch this space.