The global pharmaceutical field undergoes fast changes because of the breadth of research that takes place around the world. The new knowledge has yielded groundbreaking treatment and impressive innovations on both a macro and micro scale.

Procos, a wholly owned subsidiary of Japan-based CBC Co., is leading the industry in the field of custom synthesis and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) manufacturing. To maintain its position in a highly competitive market, Procos is constantly investing in its people, technology and a new multipurpose facility to develop small molecules and high-potency API (HPAPI) products for the global market.
“We have never stopped investing. We’ve continued to grow in terms of capacity, compliance and cutting-edge equipment. Some of our most important projects came to life in the last three years such as the Quality and R&D Labs, but the future is our real focus” explained Procos CEO Enrico Zodio.
Procos continues adapting to a rapidly changing industry, pushing its limits further and developing new products. In the second half of the year, the new HPAPI lines will be officially activated, but Procos’ growth goes on.
“We are up and running to increase production capacity, building up a state-of-the-art multipurpose unit named R11. It will be a challenge, but the completion of this facility in 2025 will lead us to the next stage. We will achieve that thanks to our parent company, CBC, which has always been very supportive,” Zodio said.