The city of Aichi, famous around the world as an industrial center in Japan and the home of car giant Toyota, is very proud of Aichi University of Technology, which was founded in 2000 with the objective of developing world-class engineers capable of advancing technology and the industrial sector.
Apart from helping its students pursue a career in engineering, AUT is also committed to build their self-confidence and develop their unique identities.
President Masatoshi Onishi told GMI POST that the school chose its location in an industrial center so it could cultivate top engineers and advanced practical technology and also experts in automotive engineering with the cooperating junior college
Despite its small size, the president pointed out that AUT has partnerships with other academic institutions, as well as with governmental agencies and research organizations, which boosted its reputation around the world.
Proving its comprehensive view of the factory automation and the automotive industry, the university introduced a course on IoT and AI engineering.
"This program addresses a societal issue that is significant not only in Japan but also around the world. Our researchers observed the genuine interest shown by international students in technology and the critical subjects associated with this field. It has become an area of recognition for our university," Onishi said.
Although AUT may be classified as a smaller university, Onishi is enthusiastic about enhancing its reputation both locally and globally. The institution has been actively adapting to the evolving landscape of education. In the president's own words, "Despite our size, AUT remains committed to teaching cutting-edge technology. We have managed to make valuable contributions to companies and collaborate effectively with both our local and international students."