Since the program’s inception in 1982, Leadership Iowa has trained more than 1,000 business leaders and executives from across the state on how to bring about positive change in their respective workplaces and communities, thereby creating a better future for Iowa.
If that sounds like a program you’d like to participate in, you’re in luck as the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (IABI), the organization behind Leadership Iowa, announced that nominations for its 2024-2025 program are now open and will remain so until April 1, 2024.
What is Leadership Iowa?
Leadership Iowa is an eight-month leadership, community development, and issues-awareness program that provides participants with a wide range of eye-opening experiences and insights that highlight the opportunities and challenges facing Iowa. Each year, only 40 individuals are selected out of the hundreds of applications.
What can participants expect from Leadership Iowa?
According to IABI’s official website, throughout the program (October through June), participants convene in an Iowa community each month for a two-day session. Each session focuses on a specific topic or issue important to Iowa, allowing participants to step outside of their areas of expertise and gain a refreshed, insider’s perspective on the condition, needs and future of our state.
Who can participate?
Individuals must first be nominated to apply for the Leadership Iowa program. But the good news is anyone is welcome to nominate an individual for the program by completing the nomination form online. Self-nominations are also encouraged.
For more information on the selection and application process, visit