Ontario has become a top tourist destination with visitors originating from all regions around the world.
The state’s most popular tourist destinations include the famous Niagara Falls, a world class art galleries and museums and recently trendy wine tours.

A major factor to this impressive growth has been the support from the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation, which has helped the country’s infrastructure and hospitality to accommodate the influx of visitors.
OTMPC President and CEO Ronald Helgerson said: “We look at tourism growth not just from the number of people, but from the contribution they can make to economic prosperity."
The Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation is a public-private partnership that was developed by the Ontario government in April 1999 to support the tourism industry in a highly competitive market.
The OTMPC provides services, which include strategic planning, marketing research, media promotion, advertising opportunities, consumer information and travel-trade promotion.
The organization has targeted media relation opportunities and recently focused on China, which is estimated to account for one-third of foreign tourists by 2017. Toronto is also known for its fast-growing, vibrant Asian communities.
Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation has seen its tourists shift from groups to individuals, while the largest age demographic between the 25-34.