With the island resort of Bali remaining the country’s top tourist draw, The Jakarta Tourism and Culture Office (JTCO) is stepping up efforts to promote the Indonesian capital as an equally popular tourist destination by rehabilitating the city's tourist attractions and hosting more events.

JTCO Executive Director Purba Hutapea said: “We are going to achieve this by concentrating on three methods: co-branding, advertising, and selling. This is what we want to do to strengthen the tourism industry in Jakarta.”
Recently appointed Executive Director Hutapea has placed importance on attracting international travelers via so-called MICE tourism (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions), while still promoting its tagline “Enjoy Jakarta.”
With international tourist arrivals to the capital rising every year, JTCO has clearly contributed to the economy’s growth, fostered local communities, and spurred infrastructure development.
The number of foreign tourists visiting Jakarta increased from 2.4 million people in 2013 to 2.7 million last year. JTCO expects to receive 3 million foreign tourists in Jakarta for 2015.
Indonesia is refurbishing many of the country’s tourist attractions and improving its infrastructure ahead of the 2018 Asian Games, whose focal point will be Jakarta.
Hutapea also said: “We try to organize more international events in Jakarta because it’s the most effective way to attract people.”
The JTCO also promotes events and activities abroad through Indonesian embassies, which effectively help penetrate foreign markets and increase global awareness.