“The key to success in the software industry is constantly updating,” stated Cashier Myricks, the president and chief executive officer of NetCom3 Global, a Los Angeles based developer of popular applications such as PC Antivirus Pro, PC Cleaner LTE & PRO, and Real-Time PC Optimizer.
Since its inception in 2001, NetCom3 Global has reported spectacular results. In 2012, the company’s revenues grew 2,700 percent, making it one of the fastest growing companies in the United States.
On the back of that astound- ing growth, NetCom3 Global has embarked on an ambitious global expansion plan. Previously available only in English, each of its software titles were recently released in Japanese, with French, German, Spanish, and Italian editions in development.
“We decided to launch in Asia first because it is a priority market for us, Japan in particular. While other options do exist, we are told our product has been the preferred software over there. In fact, there was tremendous clamor for the product in Japan and Asia, where our online distributors have the most traffic,” explained Myricks.
Selling its products exclusively via online download, NetCom3 Global depends heavily on its online affiliates to distribute its applications.
“We are always on the look out for new affiliates who have Web sites that generate significant online traffic. This is especially true for Japan and Asia. Within the industry, we are known to take very good care of those relationships. We make sure our affiliates are well compensated,” Myricks said.
While revenues continue to grow robustly, NetCom3 Global remains dedicated to improving their current product line and increasing its roster of applications.
“We constantly test our software. Our R&D team continuously conducts research on how to improve the product. We also do a lot of thirdparty testing with the most credible testers to certify that our product indeed detects all viruses. For the past two years, we have tested at close to 100 percent success rate, which means we detect all viruses out there. This gives us credibility,” Myricks said proudly.
“We are doing exceptionally well in the United States. We feel that the time is right for us to continue our growth beyond American borders,” he added.
- Originally prepared by Global Media for The Japan Times Special Report on Los Angeles 2014 (Credit: Philippe Le Saux)