With an output of 300,000 tons a year, Greece is the largest exporter of tinned peaches in the world. Having adopted the latest green technology and sustainable practices, the Greek Canners Association wants to strengthen its connections with Japan, a country where protection of the environment is a priority among businesses, large and small.

Advocating the interests of the country’s leading fruit-processing companies, the association’s members have sold their products to the Japanese market for many decades now. Among the dozens of members, Venus Growers was one of the first to sell its canned peaches in Japan.
Association President Konstantinos Apostolou stressed that although the Japanese market is very demanding in terms of product quality, safety and consistency, his group’s members are ready to meet the discriminating standards of Japanese consumers. He is also confident that Japan will have a more appreciative view of Greek preserved fruits.
“Farming is the first human activity affected by climate change. Our objective is to find ways to collaborate with the farmers and organizations in order to apply new farming techniques to the changing weather conditions, which is very important in reducing the carbon footprint of our products,” Apostolou said.
With many new factories investing in the latest technology and adapting the newest procedures, Apostolou believes that his group’s members will outdo larger producers because of a marked improvement in the quality, taste and appearance of its products.